Power apps basic functions for d365 FO developers


1.       Power Point basics - https://make.powerapps.com/

 Model driven apps -  This type of app used for data entry purpose and to accommodate lot of functionalities and process

Ex:- CRM , Projops App e.tc.

2.        Canvas app :-  This type of apps used for mobile/tablet compatibility  which have lesser functionalities and process

EX:-  LMS Powerapp e.t.c


1.        Patch funciton -  it is used to trigger the F&O data entity with some data  


Ex:-  Patch( DataSource, BaseRecord, ChangeRecord1 [, ChangeRecord2, … ])


2.       SubmitForm function – its  used to trigger the F&o data entity same like above function , But can be used on form only




3.       UpdateContext  - To create temporarily local variable to hold the information – the scope of variable is particular to that screen only


Ex - UpdateContext( { HasErrors: "Errors" } )


4.       Set – To create global variable  to hold the information – The scope of variable is in all screens in app


Ex:-  Set( MyVar, 1 )


5.       Notify  -  AS a like info function in d365fo – to print the information (Types are warning, error , information e.t.c)


Ex:-  Notify( "Worflow intiated ", NotificationType.Information)


6.       Navigate – it use it navigate from one screen to another

Ex:-  Navigate(ConfirmationScreen)  - ConfirmationScreen- is another screen name.

7.       Errors() – To get the last errors happened to the dataset


Ex:-  Errors(LeaveRequestHeaderDataEntity) – LeaveRequestHeaderDataEntity is dataset name 


8.       ClearColloect – To create the collection and can used for all screens


Collect , Clear to add and to clear the data in collections


Ex- ClearCollect( IceCream, { Flavor: "Strawberry", Quantity: 300 } )


EX:-  To create the collection from dataset ClearCollect(LinesUnsavedInfo,ShowColumns(Table(Defaults(LeaveRequestLinesDataEntity)),"HalfDay","FromTime","ToTime","LineRecId","dataAreaId","LeaveApplicationId","Transdate","RequestStatus"));


9.        Office365Users – To access office365 user information

Ex:- Office365Users.MyProfile()


10.   Sort and Filter of Gallery – We could do filter and sort by  the gallery data like this way

Ex:-        SortByColumns(

    Filter (


        UserEmail = User().Email






11.   Lookup – its lookup the data in dataset and will return


EX:- LookUp( LeaveRequestHeaderDataEntity, LeaveApplicationId = DataCardValue2.Text ),

LeaveRequestHeaderDataEntity – is dataset /data entity

, LeaveApplicationId  - data entity field name

 DataCardValue2.Text = value to lookup


12.   IsEmpty – it checks whether dataset/text or empty or not



If(   !IsEmpty(Errors(LeaveRequestHeaderDataEntity)),

    UpdateContext( { HasErrors: "Errors" } ),

    Notify( "Worflow intiated ", NotificationType.Information)



13.   Refresth- its refresh the current dataset records and gives updated data


Ex:- Refresh(LeaveRequestHeaderDataEntity);




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